Template tags ============= Initialization -------------- You can either: - load the template tag lib into each template manually: .. code-block:: html+django {% load js %} - load the template tag lib by adding to your ``views.py``: .. code-block:: python from django.template import add_to_builtins add_to_builtins('djangojs.templatetags.js') If you want to use boolean parameters, Django.js provide the ``djangojs.context_processors.booleans`` to help. Simply add it to your ``settings.CONTEXT_PROCESSORS``. If not, you should use the string versions: ``param="True"``. Usage ----- django_js ~~~~~~~~~ A ``{% django_js %}`` tag is available to provide the Django JS module. After loading, you can use the Django module to resolve URLs and Translations: .. code-block:: html+django {% django_js %} It supports the following keyword parameters (in this order if you want to omit the keyword): =========== ========= ====================================== Parameter Default Description =========== ========= ====================================== ``jquery`` ``true`` Load the jQuery library ``i18n`` ``true`` Load the javascript i18n catalog ``csrf`` ``true`` Patch jQuery.ajax() fot Django CSRF =========== ========= ====================================== You can disable all this features by simply providing arguments to the template tag: .. code-block:: html+django {% django_js jquery=false i18n=false csrf=false %} .. _django-js-init-templatetag: django_js_init ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``{% django_js_init %}`` provide the necessary bootstrap for the Django.js without loading it. It allows you to use Django.js with an AMD loader or a javascript compressor. It supports the following keyword parameters (in this order if you want to omit the keyword): =========== ========= ====================================== Parameter Default Description =========== ========= ====================================== ``i18n`` ``true`` Load the javascript i18n catalog ``csrf`` ``true`` Patch jQuery.ajax() fot Django CSRF =========== ========= ====================================== You can disable all this features by simply providing arguments to the template tag: .. code-block:: html+django {% django_js_init i18n=false csrf=false %} If you want to use it with require.js or Django Pipeline, see :doc:`requirejs` or :ref:`django-pipeline`. Internationalization ******************** When the ``{% django_js %}`` template tag is included in a page, it automatically: - loads the django javascript catalog for all supported apps - loads the django javascript i18n/l10n tools in the page: - ``gettext()`` - ``ngettext()`` - ``interpolate()`` You can disable this feature by setting the ``i18n`` keyword parameter to ``false``. .. note:: You can filter included apps by using either the settings whitelist ``settings.JS_I18N`` or the settings blacklist ``settings.JS_I18N_EXCLUDE`` or both. For more informations, see :doc:`settings`. jQuery Ajax CSRF **************** When the ``django_js`` template tag is ininitialized it automatically patch ``jQuery.ajax()`` to handle CSRF tokens on ajax request. You can disable this feature by setting the ``csrf`` keyword parameter to ``false``. You can manually enable it later with: .. code-block:: javascript Django.jquery_csrf(); verbatim ~~~~~~~~ A ``{% verbatim %}`` tag is available to ease the JS templating. It escape a specific part. For example, you may want a subpart of your template to be rendered by Django : .. code-block:: html+django .. note:: Starting from Django 1.5, use the included `verbatim tag `_ . jquery_js ~~~~~~~~~ The ``{% jquery_js %}`` tag only load the jQuery library. You can override the version either by passing the version as a parameter or setting the version with the ``settings.JQUERY_VERSION`` property. For more informations, see :doc:`settings`. You can optionnaly load the `jQuery Migrate `_ plugins for legacy support with jQuery 1.9.0+. .. code-block:: html+django {% jquery_js %} {% jquery_js "1.8.3" %} {% jquery_js migrate=true %} The ``django_js`` tag automatically load jQuery so no need to manually load it unless you set ``jquery=false``. javascript/js ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``javascript`` and ``js`` tags are the same quick helper to include javascript files from ``{{STATIC_URL}}``: .. code-block:: html+django {% javascript "js/my.js" %} {% js "js/my.js" %} is equivalent to: .. code-block:: html+django Both tags take an options ``type`` parameter that specifies the content type of the `` coffescript/coffee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``coffeescript`` and ``coffee`` tags are the same quick helper to include coffeescript files from ``{{STATIC_URL}}``: .. code-block:: html+django {% coffeescript "js/my.coffee" %} {% coffee "js/my.coffee" %} is equivalent to: .. code-block:: html+django css ~~~ The ``css`` tag is a quick helper to include css files from ``{{STATIC_URL}}``: .. code-block:: html+django {% css "css/my.css" %} is equivalent to: .. code-block:: html+django js_lib ~~~~~~ The ``js_lib`` tag is a quick helper to include javascript files from ``{{STATIC_URL}}js/libs``: .. code-block:: html+django {% js_lib "my-lib.js" %} is equivalent to: .. code-block:: html+django