Template tags


You can either:

  • load the template tag lib into each template manually:
{% load js %}
  • load the template tag lib by adding to your views.py:
from django.template import add_to_builtins


If you want to use boolean parameters, Django.js provide the djangojs.context_processors.booleans to help. Simply add it to your settings.CONTEXT_PROCESSORS. If not, you should use the string versions: param="True".



A {% django_js %} tag is available to provide the Django JS module. After loading, you can use the Django module to resolve URLs and Translations:

{% django_js %}
        Django.url('my-view', {key: 'test'}),

It supports the following keyword parameters (in this order if you want to omit the keyword):

Parameter Default Description
jquery true Load the jQuery library
i18n true Load the javascript i18n catalog
csrf true Patch jQuery.ajax() fot Django CSRF

You can disable all this features by simply providing arguments to the template tag:

{% django_js jquery=false i18n=false csrf=false %}


The {% django_js_init %} provide the necessary bootstrap for the Django.js without loading it. It allows you to use Django.js with an AMD loader or a javascript compressor. It supports the following keyword parameters (in this order if you want to omit the keyword):

Parameter Default Description
jquery false Load the jQuery library
i18n true Load the javascript i18n catalog
csrf true Patch jQuery.ajax() fot Django CSRF

You can disable all this features by simply providing arguments to the template tag:

{% django_js_init jquery=true i18n=false csrf=false %}

If you want to use it with require.js or Django Pipeline, see RequireJS integration or Django Pipeline.


When the {% django_js %} template tag is included in a page, it automatically:

  • loads the django javascript catalog for all supported apps

  • loads the django javascript i18n/l10n tools in the page:
    • gettext()
    • ngettext()
    • interpolate()

You can disable this feature by setting the i18n keyword parameter to false.


You can filter included apps by using either the settings whitelist settings.JS_I18N or the settings blacklist settings.JS_I18N_EXCLUDE or both. For more informations, see Settings.

jQuery Ajax CSRF

When the django_js template tag is ininitialized it automatically patch jQuery.ajax() to handle CSRF tokens on ajax request.

You can disable this feature by setting the csrf keyword parameter to false.

You can manually enable it later with:



A {% verbatim %} tag is available to ease the JS templating. It escape a specific part. For example, you may want a subpart of your template to be rendered by Django :

<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="tpl-django-form">
        {% verbatim %}
            {{#if id}}<h1>{{ id }}</h1>{{/if}}
        {% endverbatim %}
        {{ yourform.as_p }}


Starting from Django 1.5, use the included verbatim tag .


The {% jquery_js %} tag only load the jQuery library.

You can override the version either by passing the version as a parameter or setting the version with the settings.JQUERY_VERSION property. For more informations, see Settings.

You can optionnaly load the jQuery Migrate plugins for legacy support with jQuery 1.9.0+.

{% jquery_js %}
{% jquery_js "1.8.3" %}
{% jquery_js migrate=true %}

The django_js tag automatically load jQuery so no need to manually load it unless you set jquery=false.


The javascript and js tags are the same quick helper to include javascript files from {{STATIC_URL}}:

{% javascript "js/my.js" %}
{% js "js/my.js" %}

is equivalent to:

<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static "js/my.js" %}"></script>

Both tags take an options type parameter that specifies the content type of the <script> tag:

{% javascript "js/my.custom" type="text/custom" %}


<script type="text/custom" src="{% static "js/my.custom" %}"></script>


The coffeescript and coffee tags are the same quick helper to include coffeescript files from {{STATIC_URL}}:

{% coffeescript "js/my.coffee" %}
{% coffee "js/my.coffee" %}

is equivalent to:

<script type="text/coffeescript" src="{% static "js/my.coffee" %}"></script>


The css tag is a quick helper to include css files from {{STATIC_URL}}:

{% css "css/my.css" %}

is equivalent to:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static "css/my.css" %}" />


The js_lib tag is a quick helper to include javascript files from {{STATIC_URL}}js/libs:

{% js_lib "my-lib.js" %}

is equivalent to:

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{STATIC_URL}}js/libs/my-lib.js"></script>

Project Versions

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