Javascript test tools ===================== Django.js provide tools for easy javascript testing. Views ----- Django.js provides base views for javascript testing. Instead of writing a full view each time you need a Jasmine or a QUnit test view, simply use the provided ``JasmineView`` and ``QUnitView`` and add them to your .. code-block:: python from django.conf.urls import patterns, url, include from djangojs.views import JasmineView, QUnitView urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^jasmine$', JasmineView.as_view(js_files='js/specs/*.specs.js'), name='my_jasmine_view'), url(r'^qunit$', QUnitView.as_view(js_files='js/tests/*.tests.js'), name='my_qunit_view'), ) Both view have a js_files attribute which can be a string or and array of strings. Each string can be a static js file path to include or a glob pattern: .. code-block:: python from djangojs.views import JasmineView class MyJasmineView(JasmineView): js_files = ( 'js/lib/my-lib.js', 'js/test/*.specs.js', 'js/other/specs.*.js', ) jQuery can automatically be included into the view by setting the ``jquery`` attribute to ``True``: .. code-block:: python from djangojs.views import JasmineView class MyJasmineView(JasmineView): jquery = True js_files = 'js/test/*.specs.js' Django.js can automatically be included into the view by setting the ``django_js`` attribute to ``True``: .. code-block:: python from djangojs.views import JasmineView class MyJasmineView(JasmineView): django_js = True js_files = 'js/test/*.specs.js' These views extends the Django ``TemplateView`` so you can add extra context entries and you can customize the template by extending them. .. code-block:: python from djangojs.views import QUnitView class MyQUnitView(QUnitView): js_files = 'js/test/*.test.js' template_name = 'my-qunit-runner.html' def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(MyQUnitView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['form'] = TestForm() return context Two extensible test runner templates are provided: - ``djangojs/jasmine-runner.html`` for jasmine tests - ``djangojs/qunit-runner.html`` for QUnit tests Both provides a ``js_init`` block, a ``js_content`` block and a ``body_content`` block. .. code-block:: html+django {% extends "djangojs/qunit-runner.html" %} {% block js_init %} {{ block.super }} {% js "js/init.js" %} {% endblock %} {% block js_content %} {% load js %} {% js "js/tests/my.tests.js" %} {% endblock %} {% block body_content %} {% endblock %} You can inspect django.js own test suites on github. If you just need the Django.js comptible runners, you can include the following templates (depending on your framework): - QUnit: - ``djangojs/qunit-runner-head.html`` - ``djangojs/qunit-runner-body.html`` - Jasmine: - ``djangojs/jasmine-runner-head.html`` - ``djangojs/jasmine-runner-body.html`` Test cases ---------- A Phantom.js test runner parsing TAP is provided in 3 flavours: - ``JsTestCase`` that runs javascript tests against Django liveserver TestCase. - ``JsFileTestCase`` that runs javascript tests against a static html file - ``JsTemplateTestCase`` that runs javascript tests against a rendered html file (but without liveserver running) .. note:: Whatever TestCase you choose, it should output TAP. If you don't have complex and specific needs, you just have to use the provided template and extends them if needed. Jasmine/QUnit support are provided with ``JasmineSuite`` and ``QUnitSuite`` mixins. To use it with the previously defined views, just define either ``url_name`` or ``filename`` attribute: .. code-block:: python from djangojs.runners import JsTestCase, JsFileTestCase, JsTemplateTestCase from djangojs.runners import JasmineSuite, QUnitSuite class JasminTests(JasmineSuite, JsTestCase): urls = 'myapp.test_urls' title = 'My Jasmine suite' url_name = 'my_url_name' class QUnitTests(QunitSuite, JsFileTestCase): filename = '/tmp/my-runner.html' class JasminTests(JasmineSuite, JsTemplateTestCase): template_name = 'my/template.html' js_files = 'js/test/other/*.js' The verbosity is automatically adjusted with the ``-v/--verbosity`` parameter from the `` test`` command line. .. warning:: Phantom.js is required to use this feature and should be on your ``$PATH``.