Source code for djangojs.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This modules holds every helpers that does not fit in any standard django modules.

It might be splitted in futur releases.
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import types

from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders
from django.contrib.staticfiles.utils import matches_patterns
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from django.core.urlresolvers import RegexURLPattern, RegexURLResolver
from django.template.context import RequestContext
from django.utils import translation

from djangojs.conf import settings

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = (

RE_KWARG = re.compile(r"(\(\?P\<(.*?)\>.*?\))")  # Pattern for recongnizing named parameters in urls
RE_ARG = re.compile(r"(\(.*?\))")  # Pattern for recognizing unnamed url parameters
RE_OPT = re.compile(r"\w\?")  # Pattern for recognizing optionnal character
RE_OPT_GRP = re.compile(r"\(\?\:.*\)\?")  # Pattern for recognizing optionnal group

[docs]def urls_as_dict(): ''' Get the URLs mapping as a dictionnary ''' if not hasattr(settings, 'ROOT_URLCONF'): raise Exception module = settings.ROOT_URLCONF return _get_urls(module)
[docs]def urls_as_json(): ''' Get the URLs mapping as JSON ''' return json.dumps(urls_as_dict(), cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)
def _get_urls(module, prefix='', namespace=None): urls = {} if isinstance(module, (str, unicode)): __import__(module) root_urls = sys.modules[module] patterns = root_urls.urlpatterns elif isinstance(module, (list, tuple)): patterns = module elif isinstance(module, types.ModuleType): patterns = module.urlpatterns else: raise TypeError('Unsupported type: %s' % type(module)) for pattern in patterns: if issubclass(pattern.__class__, RegexURLPattern): if pattern_name = if settings.JS_URLS and pattern_name not in settings.JS_URLS: continue if settings.JS_URLS_EXCLUDE and pattern_name in settings.JS_URLS_EXCLUDE: continue if namespace: pattern_name = ':'.join((namespace, pattern_name)) full_url = prefix + pattern.regex.pattern for char in ['^', '$']: full_url = full_url.replace(char, '') # remove optionnal non capturing groups opt_grp_matches = RE_OPT_GRP.findall(full_url) if opt_grp_matches: for match in opt_grp_matches: full_url = full_url.replace(match, '') # remove optionnal characters opt_matches = RE_OPT.findall(full_url) if opt_matches: for match in opt_matches: full_url = full_url.replace(match, '') # handle kwargs, args kwarg_matches = RE_KWARG.findall(full_url) if kwarg_matches: for el in kwarg_matches: # prepare the output for JS resolver full_url = full_url.replace(el[0], "<%s>" % el[1]) # after processing all kwargs try args args_matches = RE_ARG.findall(full_url) if args_matches: for el in args_matches: full_url = full_url.replace(el, "<>") # replace by a empty parameter name urls[pattern_name] = "/" + full_url elif issubclass(pattern.__class__, RegexURLResolver): if pattern.urlconf_name: if pattern.namespace and not pattern.app_name: # Namespace without app_name nss = [pattern.namespace] else: # Add urls twice: for app and instance namespace nss = set((pattern.namespace, pattern.app_name)) for ns in nss: namespaces = [nsp for nsp in (namespace, ns) if nsp] namespaces = ':'.join(namespaces) if settings.JS_URLS_NAMESPACES and namespaces and namespaces not in settings.JS_URLS_NAMESPACES: continue if settings.JS_URLS_NAMESPACES_EXCLUDE and namespaces in settings.JS_URLS_NAMESPACES_EXCLUDE: continue new_prefix = '%s%s' % (prefix, pattern.regex.pattern) urls.update(_get_urls(pattern.urlconf_name, new_prefix, namespaces)) return urls
[docs]class ContextSerializer(object): ''' Serialize the context from requests. ''' SERIALIZERS = { 'LANGUAGES': 'serialize_languages', } @classmethod
[docs] def as_dict(cls, request): ''' Serialize the context as a dictionnary from a given request. ''' data = {} for context in RequestContext(request): for key, value in context.iteritems(): if key in cls.SERIALIZERS: serializer_name = cls.SERIALIZERS[key] if hasattr(cls, serializer_name): serializer = getattr(cls, serializer_name) data[key] = serializer(value) elif isinstance(value, (str, tuple, list, dict, int, bool, set)): data[key] = value if 'LANGUAGE_CODE' in data: # Dirty hack to fix non included default language_code = 'en' if data['LANGUAGE_CODE'] == 'en-us' else data['LANGUAGE_CODE'] language = translation.get_language_info(language_code) data['LANGUAGE_NAME'] = language['name'] data['LANGUAGE_NAME_LOCAL'] = language['name_local'] # Default to unauthenticated anonymous user data['user'] = { 'username': '', 'is_authenticated': False, 'is_staff': False, 'is_superuser': False, 'permissions': tuple(), } if 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware' in settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES: data['user'].update({ 'username': request.user.username, 'is_authenticated': request.user.is_authenticated(), 'is_staff': request.user.is_staff, 'is_superuser': request.user.is_superuser, 'permissions': tuple(request.user.get_all_permissions()) }) return data
[docs] def as_json(cls, request): ''' Serialize the context as JSON from a given request. ''' return json.dumps(cls.as_dict(request), cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)
@classmethod def serialize_perms(cls, perms): print perms return None @classmethod def serialize_languages(cls, languages): return dict(languages)
[docs]class StorageGlobber(object): ''' Retrieve file list from static file storages. ''' @classmethod
[docs] def glob(cls, files=None): ''' Glob a pattern or a list of pattern static storage relative(s). ''' files = files or [] if isinstance(files, str): matches = lambda path: matches_patterns(path, [files]) elif isinstance(files, (list, tuple)): matches = lambda path: matches_patterns(path, files) return [path for path in cls.get_static_files() if matches(path)]
@classmethod def get_static_files(cls): files = [] for finder in finders.get_finders(): for path, storage in finder.list(None): # Prefix the relative path if the source storage contains it if getattr(storage, 'prefix', None): prefixed_path = os.path.join(storage.prefix, path) else: prefixed_path = path if prefixed_path not in files: files.append(prefixed_path) return files

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