Source code for djangojs.runners

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module provide Javascript test runners for Django unittest.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os
import re
import sys

from os.path import join, dirname
from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, mkstemp

from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders
from import FileSystemStorage
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.test import LiveServerTestCase

from djangojs.tap import TapParser
from djangojs.utils import StorageGlobber

from unittest import TestCase

#: Console output line length for separators

__all__ = (

def parse_verbosity():
    verbosity = 1
    regex = re.compile(r'(?:-v|--verbosity)(?:(?:\=)?([0-3]))?')
    for idx, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
        match = regex.match(arg)
        if match:
            verbosity = int( if else int(sys.argv[idx + 1])
    return verbosity

VERBOSITY = parse_verbosity()

[docs]class JsTestException(Exception): ''' An exception raised by Javascript tests. It display javascript errors into the exception message. ''' def __init__(self, message, failures=None): super(JsTestException, self).__init__(message) self.failures = failures or [] def __str__(self): output = [super(JsTestException, self).__str__()] for failure in self.failures: message = failure.message or "expected: '%(expected)s', got: '%(got)s'" % failure.__dict__ output.append(' + %s - %s' % (, message)) for line in failure.stack: # Remove jasmine/qunit entries in stack to produce smaller and more efficient output # TODO: find a cleaner way to improve stack trace output if '/js/test/libs/jasmine.js:' in line or '/js/test/libs/qunit.js:' in line: continue output.append('\t%s' % line) return '\n'.join(output)
class PhantomJsRunner(object): ''' Test helper to run JS tests with PhantomJS ''' #: mandatory path to the PhantomJS javascript runner phantomjs_runner = None #: an optionnal absolute URL to the test runner page url = None #: an optionnal title for verbose console output title = 'PhantomJS test suite' #: PhantomJS execution timeout in seconds timeout = 3 def execute(self, command): ''' Execute a subprocess yielding output lines ''' process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) while True: if process.poll() is not None: self.returncode = process.returncode # pylint: disable=W0201 break yield process.stdout.readline() def phantomjs(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Execute PhantomJS by giving ``args`` as command line arguments. If test are run in verbose mode (``-v/--verbosity`` = 2), it output: - the title as header (with separators before and after) - modules and test names - assertions results (with ``django.utils.termcolors`` support) In case of error, a JsTestException is raised to give details about javascript errors. ''' separator = '=' * LINE_SIZE title = kwargs['title'] if 'title' in kwargs else 'phantomjs output' nb_spaces = (LINE_SIZE - len(title)) // 2 if VERBOSE: print('') print(separator) print(' ' * nb_spaces + title) print(separator) sys.stdout.flush() with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) as cookies_file: cmd = ('phantomjs', '--cookies-file=%s' % + args if self.timeout: cmd += (str(self.timeout),) parser = TapParser(debug=VERBOSITY > 2) output = self.execute(cmd) for item in parser.parse(output): if VERBOSE: print(item.display()) sys.stdout.flush() if VERBOSE: print(separator) sys.stdout.flush() failures = parser.suites.get_all_failures() if failures: raise JsTestException('Failed javascript assertions', failures) if self.returncode > 0: raise JsTestException('PhantomJS return with non-zero exit code (%s)' % self.returncode) def run_suite(self): ''' Run a phantomjs test suite. - ``phantomjs_runner`` is mandatory. - Either ``url`` or ``url_name`` needs to be defined. ''' if not self.phantomjs_runner: raise JsTestException('phantomjs_runner need to be defined') url = self.get_url() self.phantomjs(self.phantomjs_runner, url, title=self.title) self.cleanup() def get_url(self): if not self.url: raise JsTestException('url need to be defined') return self.url def cleanup(self): pass
[docs]class JsTestCase(PhantomJsRunner, LiveServerTestCase): ''' A PhantomJS suite that run against the Django LiveServerTestCase ''' #: a mandatory named URL that point to the test runner page url_name = None #: an optionnal arguments array to pass to the ``reverse()`` function url_args = None #: an optionnal keyword arguments dictionnary to pass to the ``reverse()`` function url_kwargs = None def get_url(self): if not self.url_name: raise JsTestException('url_name need to be defined') reversed_url = reverse(self.url_name, args=self.url_args, kwargs=self.url_kwargs) return ''.join([self.live_server_url, reversed_url])
[docs]class JsFileTestCase(PhantomJsRunner, TestCase): ''' A PhantomJS suite that run against a local html file ''' #: absolute path to the test runner page filename = None def get_url(self): if not self.filename: raise JsTestException('filename need to be defined') return 'file://%s' % self.filename
[docs]class AbsoluteFileStorage(FileSystemStorage): ''' A storage that give the absolute file scheme URL as URL. ''' def url(self, name): return 'file://%s' % finders.find(name)
[docs]class JsTemplateTestCase(JsFileTestCase): ''' A PhantomJS suite that run against a rendered html file but without server. .. note:: Template is rendered using a modified static storage that give ``file://`` scheme URLs. To benefits from it, you have to use either the ``static`` template tag or one the djangojs template tags. .. warning:: Template is not rendered within a request/response dialog. You can't access the request object and everything that depends on the server. ''' #: absolute path to the test runner page template_name = None #: A path or a list of path to javascript files to include into the view. #: #: - Supports glob patterns. #: - Order is kept for rendering. js_files = None #: Includes or not jQuery in the test view. #: Template has to handle the ``use_jquery`` property. jquery = False def setUp(self): from import staticfiles_storage self.storage_bak = staticfiles_storage._wrapped staticfiles_storage._wrapped = AbsoluteFileStorage() def tearDown(self): from import staticfiles_storage staticfiles_storage._wrapped = self.storage_bak def get_url(self): if not self.template_name: raise JsTestException('template_name need to be defined') fd, self.filename = mkstemp(suffix='.html') os.fdopen(fd, 'w').write(render_to_string(self.template_name, self.get_context_data())) return super(JsTemplateTestCase, self).get_url() def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): return { 'js_test_files': StorageGlobber.glob(self.js_files), 'use_query': self.jquery } def cleanup(self): os.remove(self.filename)
[docs]class JasmineSuite(object): ''' A mixin that runs a jasmine test suite with PhantomJs. ''' title = 'Jasmine test suite' phantomjs_runner = join(dirname(__file__), 'phantomjs', 'jasmine-runner.js') template_name = 'djangojs/jasmine-runner.html' def test(self): self.run_suite()
[docs]class QUnitSuite(object): ''' A mixin that runs a QUnit test suite with PhantomJs. ''' title = 'QUnit test suite' phantomjs_runner = join(dirname(__file__), 'phantomjs', 'qunit-runner.js') template_name = 'djangojs/qunit-runner.html' def test(self): self.run_suite()

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