Javascript test tools

Django.js provide tools for easy javascript testing.


Django.js provides base views for javascript testing. Instead of writing a full view each time you need a Jasmine or a QUnit test view, simply use the provided JasmineView and QUnitView and add them to your

from django.conf.urls import patterns, url, include

from djangojs.views import JasmineView, QUnitView

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^jasmine$', JasmineView.as_view(js_files='js/specs/*.specs.js'), name='my_jasmine_view'),
    url(r'^qunit$', QUnitView.as_view(js_files='js/tests/*.tests.js'), name='my_qunit_view'),

Both view have a js_files attribute which can be a string or and array of strings. Each string can be a static js file path to include or a glob pattern:

from djangojs.views import JasmineView

class MyJasmineView(JasmineView):
    js_files = (

jQuery can automatically be included into the view by setting the jquery attribute to True:

from djangojs.views import JasmineView

class MyJasmineView(JasmineView):
    jquery = True
    js_files = 'js/test/*.specs.js'

Django.js can automatically be included into the view by setting the django_js attribute to True:

from djangojs.views import JasmineView

class MyJasmineView(JasmineView):
    django_js = True
    js_files = 'js/test/*.specs.js'

These views extends the Django TemplateView so you can add extra context entries and you can customize the template by extending them.

from djangojs.views import QUnitView

class MyQUnitView(QUnitView):
    js_files = 'js/test/*.test.js'
    template_name = 'my-qunit-runner.html'

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(MyQUnitView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['form'] = TestForm()
        return context

Two extensible test runner templates are provided:

  • djangojs/jasmine-runner.html for jasmine tests
  • djangojs/qunit-runner.html for QUnit tests

Both provides a js_init block, a js_content block and a body_content block.

{% extends "djangojs/qunit-runner.html" %}

{% block js_init %}
    {{ block.super }}
    {% js "js/init.js" %}
{% endblock %}

{% block js_content %}
    {% load js %}
    {% js "js/tests/my.tests.js" %}
{% endblock %}

{% block body_content %}
  <form id="test-form" action="{% url test_form %}" method="POST" style="display: none;">
{% endblock %}

You can inspect django.js own test suites on github.

If you just need the Django.js comptible runners, you can include the following templates (depending on your framework):

  • QUnit:
    • djangojs/qunit-runner-head.html
    • djangojs/qunit-runner-body.html
  • Jasmine:
    • djangojs/jasmine-runner-head.html
    • djangojs/jasmine-runner-body.html

Test cases

A Phantom.js test runner parsing TAP is provided in 3 flavours:

  • JsTestCase that runs javascript tests against Django liveserver TestCase.
  • JsFileTestCase that runs javascript tests against a static html file
  • JsTemplateTestCase that runs javascript tests against a rendered html file (but without liveserver running)


Whatever TestCase you choose, it should output TAP. If you don’t have complex and specific needs, you just have to use the provided template and extends them if needed.

Jasmine/QUnit support are provided with JasmineSuite and QUnitSuite mixins.

To use it with the previously defined views, just define either url_name or filename attribute:

from djangojs.runners import JsTestCase, JsFileTestCase, JsTemplateTestCase
from djangojs.runners import JasmineSuite, QUnitSuite

class JasminTests(JasmineSuite, JsTestCase):
    urls = 'myapp.test_urls'
    title = 'My Jasmine suite'
    url_name = 'my_url_name'

class QUnitTests(QunitSuite, JsFileTestCase):
    filename = '/tmp/my-runner.html'

class JasminTests(JasmineSuite, JsTemplateTestCase):
    template_name = 'my/template.html'
    js_files = 'js/test/other/*.js'

The verbosity is automatically adjusted with the -v/--verbosity parameter from the test command line.


Phantom.js is required to use this feature and should be on your $PATH.

Project Versions

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